Newcastle Counselling helps adults to overcome their stress and anxiety; deal with difficult relationships; build their self-confidence and self-esteem; fight their depression and overcome their dental anxiety through counselling and EFT.
Based in Gosforth and on-line, Newcastle Counselling provides you a safe and warm environment to help you to explore your difficulties and provide emotional support.
Welcome to Newcastle Counselling.
As a counsellor and EFT Practitioner at Newcastle Counselling I understand that it may be a difficult first step for you to lift the phone or write an email to get in touch. Don’t worry! I am friendly! Give me a call or drop me an email or text: that way you have a chance to talk to me before deciding to make an appointment.
If cost is a barrier for you, please get in touch, I may be able to help.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Call me on 0790 1218 165
Email me at:
Or use Facebook Messenger on the Newcastle Counselling Facebook page
Counselling services in Newcastle.
Counselling and Support in Newcastle.
Newcastle Counselling can help with a range of emotional problems (not just those listed here) through talking therapy and EFT. In particular, I have an interest in getting alongside people who are anxious, stressed, struggling with relationships, have low self-esteem, depression or are scared of the dentist.[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
Dental Anxiety and Dental Phobia.
Due to my unique experience of having been a dentist and now a counsellor and EFT practitioner, I understand the range of emotions and fears you may have with going to the dentist. Have a look at the Dental Anxiety and Dental Phobia page and Why does going to the Dentist matter? [/ezcol_1half_end][ezcol_1half]
Need someone to talk to?
Want to talk to someone who will listen attentively and sensitively to issues or circumstances you may be facing? Perhaps you have anxiety, stress, difficult relationships or low self-esteem? Newcastle Counselling will give you a friendly, warm and safe space to explore your difficulties and also come up with strategies which will help you in the future. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to see how I could help.[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
Get in touch.
You can call me on 07901 218165, email me at